Coming together in fellowship as the Body of Christ

Sunday School
Beginning at 9:30 AM, the adults gather in the sanctuary for a lesson given by the pastor. Intended to be interactive, this is a time to ask questions, give your thoughts and hold a conversation about God's Word with your fellow churchgoers.
The children's Sunday School, led by the pastor's wife, is a fun, educational time where she teaches Biblical principals and how they apply to the children's lives.

Weekly Prayer Meeting
Prayer meetings are Tuesday evenings starting at 6PM in the sanctuary.
Each meeting is an opportunity for our brothers and sisters in Christ to come together in prayer. As a group we raise up any praises, concerns and needs before God and ask for His will to be done through our church and its members.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!

Sunday Morning Service
Beginning at 10:30 AM we gather in the sanctuary, we raise our voices in joyful noise to praise our Lord and Savior; we bring our praises and concerns to God during a time of prayer; and then hear a message delivered by our pastor.
Each message is prepared through careful Biblical study and prayer and the congregation is always encouraged to corroborate each message during their own study of the Bible.
During service, children 4 and younger can play in the nursery, supervised by a rotating schedule of church volunteers.

Bible Study
The Bible study is Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
We gather for food and fellowship and then between 6:30 and 7:00 we delve into God's Word to see what He has to teach us.
Anyone is welcome and invited to join us!
If you have any questions about our services please let us know!